Installation view, Day 1
365 Archival inkjet prints, 44" x 16" x 3"


Installation view, Day 9
Cracks of the Daily appropriates the form of a traditional Chinese hand-tear calendar, and contains a vast typology of 365 pieces of road crack photograph. The audience is invited to tear down a page and keep it. The tears by their hands leave new cracks on the paper that resemble the cracks in the image. White and physical, this time the cracks are realized and inverted.
Cracks carve open the flat mundane road and lead our vision to dive into a third dimension. They thus reveal and rebel against the overwhelming two-dimensionality of the everyday life and its tyranny over our visual experience. My camera stops and slices an instant from time. 365 of these instants stack up in the form of a hand-tear calendar, transforming abstract time units into concrete sheets of paper. The bizarre thickness of these 365 instants goes thinner day by day. By tearing down a page of time and create a fracture, I invite the audience to question the constructedness of the flat mundane, to enjoy the freedom of being timeless, thus to solace the abrasive encounter with the specific time and space they find themselves in.
「裂隙日曆」挪用了傳統中國手撕日曆之形,是一本由 365 張路上裂縫照片組成的大型類型學。觀眾們可以動手撕下一頁並帶走。他們手撕的痕跡帶來了紙上新的裂縫,正如圖像中黑色的裂縫般。這次裂隙反轉為白色,成形於眼前。
裂隙將扁平的日常道路鑿開,引领我們的視線向下潜入第三維度。它們因而揭示並反抗日常生活的平面性及其對我們視覺經驗的壓倒性統治。我的相機停止時間,切下一剎那——這 365 個剎那以手撕日曆的形態層疊,將抽象的時間單位化為具象的一頁頁紙張——日曆 365 頁的荒謬厚度在觀眾手中逐日變薄。通過撕下一頁時間,創造一道裂隙,我邀請觀眾質疑日常的平面假象,享受棄置時間的自由,以之慰藉與其身處的特定時空的艰澀齟齬。
The artist statement of this project, Groundbreaking: The Calendar of Daily Fractures, is published on Mn Artists.
此項目的藝術家宣言發表在 Mn Artists。